Advanced Skincare By Experts
Skincare treatment refers to taking all measures for supporting & improving appearance together with relieving its different conditions. Imbalanced diet, excessive sun exposure, inappropriate use of over-the-counter beauty products, inaccurate lifestyle and hormonal imbalance can damage your pretty look. Cosmetic Clinic Coolangatta-the most trusted skin clinic in Gold Coast, Australiais open for you. Come and get the best skin treatment with excellence.
How We’re Exceptional!
Capability in delivering out-of-the-box skincare experience makes us different. Our highly qualified & 30+ years’ experienced dermatologist and nurses identify and address the cause at the grassroots. Then, they set for the next level, where designing and customising nonsurgical beauty treatments happen. We use 100% cruelty free cosmeceuticals & advanced laser technology, as minimizing environmental impact is our duty.
Who We Treat To
Our modalities and advanced technologies are for every skin type, tone, age and gender. Simply put, we welcome all patents irrespective of any age, gender or skin tone. You can come and experience how we take your beauty to such level where age or gender is no bar to look stunningly ageless. We believe in turning every condition into a great one, bringing the joy of looking radiant, youthful & spotless.
Micro Peel To See Results
We always want you to look great in your beautiful skin. A variety of conditions may not allow you to flaunt it with confidence. But, we come with micro peel skincare treatment for rejuvenating skin tone. With microdermabrasion, we gently treat sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma and other conditions of your face. Then, medical grade skin peels quicken cells’ turnover, regenerating wrinkle & pigmentation-free surface. The Omnilux Light Therapy is combined with cosmeticeutical skincare regime to enhance skin condition and remove acne scarring. Since our treatments are non-invasive, they take minimum downtime to show a dramatic difference. This difference shows great results, which your satisfaction measures.
Best Results With Combined Therapies
For the most effective transformation, we often combine two or more therapies together like laser resurfacing and injectables. Our therapists and professional specialists come with the best and concise suggestions to follow pre-procedure and post-procedure. Even if you’re concerned about side effects, we disclose them all during consultation.