Know What Makes Your Skin Bold, Beautiful & Confident

Wake up radiant with PicoGenesis

Pesky, to problematic, pigmentation can affect any one of us. And in this sun-worshipping country that we live in, it’s likely we all have underlying pigmentation just waiting to rear its head.


Laser Genesis Skin Therapy for the treatment of wrinkles, large pores, skin texture and redness.

Laser Genesis skin therapy is an innovative, technologically advanced way to promote vibrant and healthy looking skin in men and women.


anti ageing treatment
How Can Anti-Wrinkle Treatments Work For You?

They say wrinkles are a sign of character, but not everyone wants to have so much ‘character’ on show all of the time.


How ancient wisdom meets modern technology to redesign your skin?

Cosmetic Clinic Coolangatta is proud to have the world’s most advanced vertical oscillating needling technology, DermaPen, 


Tattoo Removal: Latest Technology Using Laser

The rage for tattoos has never been greater in modern culture.

Young adults decorate almost every portion of their bodies with elaborate ink work. Parents define their familial love with their children’s names or initials tattooed across their hearts and lovers inscribe their partners’ autographs with “love you forever” messages, while some respect their ancestral heritage through tribal tattoos.
